Heishiro Inukai is a noble samurai who seeks vengeance against Rannosuke, the renegade villain who stole the clan’s prized treasure. To save the clan’s honor, Heishiro, an untested swordsman, resolves to take down Rannosuke who has killed hundreds of men and fought entire armies. As he prepares for the final showdown, Heishiro is faced with a choice between reaching a peaceful or a bloody resolution. Stylishly shot in stark black and white, this is fan favorite “Samurai Fiction.” Fully loaded with bonus materials including a behind-the-scenes featurette, cast information, alternate color sequences and trailers! (Black & White, 111 minutes)
- Publisher: KITTY MEDIA
- SubCategory: Blu-ray
- Age Rating: 16+
- Genre: Erotica, Hentai
- Theme: Anime Series
- Runtime(min): 111
- Release Date: 03/11/2025
- Spoken Languages: Japanese with English Subtitles
- Subtitle Languages: English
- Eligible For Free Shipping: Yes
- Pre-Book Date: 03/11/2025
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