Urotsukidoji is the story of Amano Jyaku from the world of the Jyujinkai and his three-hundred-year quest to discover the Chojin. Accompanied by his sister Megumi and imp-servant Koroko, he has searched the world of the Ninjinkai (humans) for centuries and now he believes he may have found what he has been looking for! But how can he be sure who the Chojin really is? And what will the Chojin’s “perfect world” really be like?
- Publisher: KITTY MEDIA
- SubCategory: Blu-ray/DVD
- Age Rating: 18+
- Genre: Adult, Erotica, Horror
- Runtime(min): 108
- Release Date: 07/05/2011
- Spoken Languages: English, Japanese
- Subtitle Languages: English
- Eligible For Free Shipping: Yes
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